
Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's the purpose of whole life insurance?

People say lots about life. Comments such as "Don't take life too seriously" and "What doesn't kill you make you stronger" can be dubious. What is the reason for that? First of all we should take life too seriously because mistakes sometimes can not be erased. We live only once to take it for granted. What doesn't kill you can make you paralyzed or wounded. Do you want that? Surely not.

Can you make sure you are insured for life?

Yes there is a way to insure yourself from danger or any harm you might meet in your life. What do you need for that? You have to knock on the insurance company door and ask them for protection. They have an insurance that will not come too expensive. It is called lifetime insurance. It is good for those people that don't want to head into the insurance company's office every now and then. You ca insure yourself today and stay calm about your tomorrow and even the day after it. This insurance doesn't cover you for a particular period of time. It covers you for good. A significant benefit with the insurance company's long-term insurance that covers life is that it also builds cash value. It is totally tax-deferred until the time comes when you can withdraw the money and borrow against it.

What possibilities are there with a whole life insurance once you got it?

There are certain choices you can make within your insurance. The most popular of those would be - traditional, interest-sensitive, and single-premium insurance that involve your whole life. Now let us introduce all of these policies to you so you can definitely make the right decision. The traditional policy is offering you a minimum rate of return on the part named your cash value. The second one is called interest-sensitive policy. What is really beneficial about this policy is that its rate can differ so you can adjust it to your own preferences. With the help of this policy you could easily raise your death benefit without having to lift your premiums up. And the last but definitely not the least comes the single-premium policy. It works perfectly well for those people with a good fortune behind their backs that also want to insure their life ahead of the time. You can save some cash on your insurance as this one is a cheap life insurance.

Why should one go for a life-long insurance instead of any other insurance?

People want to hear about financial benefits when raise this issue. Usually a life-long insurance saves money. When you choose insurance that only covers a certain period of your life you end up losing money at some point. What is good about this life-long insurance is that lets some of the premium money to be transferred towards your cash value. A big advantage is also the fact that the premiums are not raised with time. They remain the same throughout the whole period of time. You don't have to pass any medical exams with the life-long insurance. You do it once and the record is kept for the rest of your life. You can save lots of money on your taxes which is also great. Who would not be interested in this? Life-long insurance is also a cheap life insurance compared to other ones. Don't hesitate to get it today!

What’s happening to COBRA?

History is sometimes surprising. It's too easy to assume particular laws must be Democrat or Republican. Take the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 as an example. Better known as COBRA, this provides a safety net for people to keep their group insurance plan in place after leaving employment. Employees can maintain health cover for up to eighteen months if they pay a subsidised premium of 35% of the original cost. The period of cover is extended if the employee is disabled or divorced. This is an excellent bridge between employer-provided health plans and private coverage at the full premium rate. During a period of unemployment, many could not afford to pick up the bill for full private coverage. They have to wait until a new employer provides cover or a sufficient pay check to pay the premium on private cover. Yet for all this law mandates protection for employees, it was signed into law by President Reagan.

Until the latest recession, this law worked well but, as unemployment began to rise and employers stopped hiring, a funding gap began to emerge. With little or no chance of finding alternative employment, too many people were looking at continuing monthly payments that were going to eat away all the family's savings and add to the already barely manageable debts. In some states, the 35% premium was more than the state's unemployment benefit. So, when the stimulus package was launched in March, it contained a subsidy representing nine months cover for those entitled to COBRA benefits. That means the subsidy disappears in December and several million of the unemployed will suddenly lose their COBRA benefits. The expectation is that the Republicans will oppose any attempt to extend the subsidy program. The reasons are not hard to identify. The proposed reform of the healthcare industry motivates the Republicans to oppose anything connected with healthcare that might add to the already massive federal deficit. If the Democrats can maintain some degree of unity, it might be possible to force new legislation through to continue the subsidy, but this may not be a sufficient priority despite the still rising level of unemployment.

Health insurance is caught in a perfect political storm and instead of discussing issues with a bipartisan spirit, the political class is polarising. Despite the efforts of the White House to focus attention on the plight of the unemployed and their families, it seems likely that a wave of uninsured people will wash up and be left stranded on the beach as the nine month subsidy slowly ebbs away. Given the insurers have been increasing the premium rates on private plans over the last year, even those who remain employed are beginning to struggle. Although the use of sites like this helps people find the still affordable policies, the percentage of uninsured adults will keep rising. Health insurance should be a basic right for everyone, but it has become a political football leaving people exposed. The hypocrisy of the politicians is ironic. All treatment at emergency rooms for the uninsured is partly paid out of federal funds and partly by the insured. It is impossible to avoid subsidising the healthcare for the unemployed. All that changes is the name on the account sourcing the subsidy.

premium notices a source of stress?

Life is never fair. Just when you think you have hit rock bottom and things cannot get any worse, they get worse. You would have thought that a recession would mean premium rates would stay the same. In your dreams, you might have hoped for the rates to fall. After all, there's massive unemployment - it's the worst level of unemployment for more than sixty years. With household incomes falling and no job security, this is not the time to find premium rates increasing. Yet when those premium notices drop into your mail boxes, the evidence is there. And it's not just you. Premiums are going up for most drivers. This is so unfair! All but three states in the union have mandatory liability insurance. For everyone who wants to stay legal on the roads, the price of driving is getting to deterrent levels. First it was the price of gas shooting up like a rocket. Now it's those premiums! What's going on?

There are two quite different problems coming together at the same time. One comes from the general downturn in the economy. The other is connected with the system of regulation for the insurance industry. On paper, the companies have an easy ride. They collect in the premiums, receive the claims, pay out on the claims and keep the balance as profit. Except the worst recession in decades caught them off guard. It all comes down to what insurers should do with the money they have collected in. Their answer was to invest most of it in the stock market. That way, they earned dividends and got capital growth until it was needed to pay out on the claims. But some invested in these new securitized bonds based on mortgages and other loans. So, when both the property and the capital markets were hit, insurers found themselves with big losses. Under normal circumstances, this would not have been a problem, but the insurance industry has to play by different rules. They are regulated by the insurance departments and commissioners for each state. To protect all you people who buy policies, the key rule is that the companies must have enough capital in reserve to pay out on the claims you make. When the stock and bond markets collapsed, many companies either broke the rule or were too close for comfort. So companies have been moving cash around between states to keep themselves legal and putting up the premiums to collect more.

It's ironic that a rule designed to protect consumers should be pushing up the premiums so fast. Who would have thought the auto insurance industry would lose so much of the money they had invested. After all, they employ all these clever people called actuaries to measure the risks for writing policies. You would think they would have seen the risks of some of the investments they were making. Yet, like most of the other investment managers, the insurers were taken by surprise. The result is that, overnight, many were close to not having enough money to pay out on your policies. That was and remains a serious problem. That's why the auto insurance industry is asking you all for more money.

Is it true that men file more insurance claims than women?

We all know that there's a war between sexes on who are better drivers, men or women? And as men are claiming to be far better at the wheel the statistics are actually on the opposite side. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Report dated 2004 notes men being involved in 27,000 more fatal accidents, 432,000 more injury accidents and 1,369,000 more incidents with damaged property, resulting in total 1,828,000 more insurance claims filed by men in 2004 only. And since then the trend hasn't changed.

And it's hard to tell that the most risky drivers - men younger than 25 years old - are contributing to these statistics. These are actually men of all age groups.

As an insurance agent from Ohio, Brad Vermillion has stated: "Men are more aggressive in their very nature and pursue a riskier attitude when driving a car. You see a man not wearing a seat belt, speeding and driving under influence far more often than a woman. The amount of miles driven throughout the lifetime is also quite higher with men than with women, which of course means a greater risk of being involved in a traffic accident and filing an insurance claim. The less you drive the safer you are."

A righteous question rises consequently, whether do insurance companies take into account the statistics provided by the NHTSA and other organizations? "Insurers know about such statistics very well and they are reflected in their pricing guidelines," stated Vermillion. "A man will always pay a higher auto insurance premium than a woman, even if he lives in a safe area and has a perfect driving and credit record."

But the overall trend has started to shift in recent years, making the gap between men and women smaller in what concerns auto insurance premiums. "The last couple of years have shown more and more women driving at longer distances and for more extended periods of time. This results from a wider access to cars among women and more intense and active lifestyle attitudes, forcing women to move around a lot more than in previous years," states Dave Roush, CEO of "Women spend more time behind the wheel and raise the stress levels, which inevitably results in more aggressive attitude from women on the road. This trend is only starting to take shape and it's a matter of time to judge whether it will minimize the gap between men and women in what concerns auto insurance rates. But for now men are well ahead in this competition."


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